Waiver Form

Release of Liability and Agreement

We all know that these are uncertain times.  The risk of COVID-19 are not well understood and there is controversy among the experts on how the virus can spread and difficulty in scientifically determining whether anyone has the virus at any moment in time.

In consideration for entering BeYou and participating in activities, by signing below you agree to accept all responsibility for the risk that you may contractr COVID-19.  While we are taking your safety and that of our staff very serious, by employing strict safety and sanitation initiatives, we cannot guarantee that any of these measures will completely protect you from the virus. 

I acknowledge that I can go elsewhere  for fitness and wellness activities and by signing this Agreement  I agree  to accept responsibility for contracting COVID-19 and I chose to attend BeYou Cycle.                

I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participating in any fitness program. I represent and warrant that I am physically Fit and have no medical  condition that would prevent my full participation in the class.